Old About Us Page
Deep Thinking & Deep Faith
We strive to be an intersection between academia and the Christian faith—a place where great scholars and great books can have a great impact on the lives and faith of the rest of us.
Why Lewis House?
We’ve adopted our name in the spirit of C. S. Lewis, the brilliant Christian author who is most famous for creating the magical world of The Chronicles of Narnia. But the rest of his writings have affected so many lives in a way that is almost magical itself. What Lewis does so well is take complex truths and make them digestible—not just so they can be understood but so they could be absorbed into your heart, burnt into your imagination, and lived out.
“I warned you,” Lewis says in Mere Christianity, “that theology is practical.” The things we believe, the ideas we discuss—they all have enormous bearing on the lives that we lead. (Whether we recognize it or not!) And this is even more true of our ideas about who God is and how he relates to us. Lewis was always interested in showing not just the truth of ideas, but also the crucial implications of them: if that is who God is, this is how I relate to him; if that is what holiness is all about, then this is how I should live.
And this approach—to theology, to thinking, to Truth—this is the aim of the Lewis House. We want to be an intersection of the head and the heart, a hub for lived theology. We consider this our little piece of God’s great mission: to be a place where the scholarly expertise of philosophers and theologians intersects and shapes our everyday spiritual lives.
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“Good philosophy must exist if only because bad philosophy must be answered.”
– C. S. Lewis